Let's make your original wooden spoon from a piece of Shirakaba white birch grown in the native forest of Hokkaido. Fun for all, from beginners to expers. Feel the warmth of the unspoiled Shirakaba white birtch with your bare hands, carefully and gently sand and polish it with the oil. Great gift idea for someone special to you.
Let's make your original wooden spoon from a piece of Shirakaba white birch grown in the native forest of Hokkaido. Fun for all, from beginners to expers. Feel the warmth of the unspoiled Shirakaba white birtch with your bare hands, carefully and gently sand and polish it with the oil. Great gift idea for someone special to you.
- 営業期間
- Operating Period
- 期間
- 期間
- Period
- 2024年12月1日~2025年3月31日
- December 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025
- 2024年12月1日~2025年3月31日
- 2024年12月1日~2025年3月31日
- 1 Dec, 2024 - 31 Mar, 2025
- 時間
- 8:30-12:00 / 12:30-16:00
※開始時間の10分前に集合 - Time
- 8:30-12:00 / 12:30-16:00
* Meet at 10 minutes prior to the start time. - 時間
- 8:30-12:00 / 12:30-16:00
※請於活動開始10分鐘前集合 - 時間
- 8:30-12:00 / 12:30-16:00
※請於活動開始10分鐘前集合 - Time
- 8:30-12:00 / 12:30-16:00
* Meet at 10 minutes prior to the start time. - 所要時間
- 3時間30分(体験時間2時間30分)
- Duration
- 3 hours 30 minutes
(Experience time: 2 hours 30 minutes) - 所要時間
- 3時間30分
(體驗時間2小時30分鐘) - 所要時間
- 3時間30分
(體驗時間2小時30分鐘) - Duration
- 3 hours 30 minutes
(Experience time: 2 hours 30 minutes) - 集合場所
- GAOアウトドアセンター
- Meeting Area
- GAO Outdoor Center
- 集合地方
- GAO Outdoor Center
- 集合地方
- GAO Outdoor Center
- Meeting Area
- GAO Outdoor Center
- 開催地
- 南富良野どんころ野外学校
- Location
- Minami-Furano Donkoro Outdoor School
- 活動地點
- Minami Furano Ochiai Donkoro Outdoor School
- 活動地點
- Minami Furano Ochiai Donkoro Outdoor School
- Location
- Minami-Furano Donkoro Outdoor School
- 料金
- 1名 6,500円
※スプーンを作らない同伴の方 無料
(ご予約時に備考にご記入ください) - Price
- 1 person 6,500 yen
* Same price for children ages 7 and up.
* Those who are tagging along but will not be making a spoon can come free of charge.
(Please note when making a reservation.) - 價格
- 1名 6,500日圓
※不製作湯匙的同行者 免費
(預約時請備註) - 價格
- 1名 6,500日圓
※不製作湯匙的同行者 免費
(預約時請備註) - Price
- 1 person 6,500 yen
* Same price for children ages 7 and up.
* Those who are tagging along but will not be making a spoon can come free of charge.
(Please note when making a reservation.) - 対象
- 7歳~
- Eligible Participants
- 7 Years Old~
- 対象
- 7歳~
- 対象
- 7歳~
- Eligible Participants
- 7 Years Old~
- 催行人数
- 8名(最少催行人数2名)
*お子様の参加については、保護者の方のご同伴をお願いします。 - Number of Participants
- 8 people (At least 2 people)
* Participating child must be accompanied by an adult. - 上限人數
- 8人(2人即可成行)
未成年人不可單獨成行,同行的客人中至少需一名成人。 - 上限人數
- 8人(2人即可成行)
未成年人不可單獨成行,同行的客人中至少需一名成人。 - Number of Participants
- 8 people (At least 2 people)
* Participating child must be accompanied by an adult. - 催行会社
- どんころ野外学校
- Operating Company
- Donkoro Outdoor School
- 舉辦公司
- Donkoro Outdoor School
- 舉辦公司
- Donkoro Outdoor School
- Operating Company
- Donkoro Outdoor School
- 予約
- Reservation
* If you reserve online, a 500 yen discount will be taken from the listed price.
* Reservations can be made up to the day before.
- 預約活動
- 預約活動
- Reservation
* If you reserve online, a 500 yen discount will be taken from the listed price.
* Reservations can be made up to the day before.
- Contact
- 0167(57)2587 (Reception hours: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
- 持ち物
- 暖かい服装(屋内プログラムですが、時折換気を致します。)
服装:木の粉がつくことがあります。多少汚れても構わない服装でお越しください。 - Things to bring
- * Please be prepared in warm clothing. (This is indoor program but will be occasionally ventilated.)
* Clothing: You may get covered in wood dust. Please wear clothes that you do not mind getting a little dirty. - 攜帶物品
- 請穿著防寒衣、防寒鞋子、手套及帽子等防寒衣物。
服裝小提醒:有可能會有木屑,建議穿著即使稍微用髒也無妨的服裝前來。 - 攜帶物品
- 請穿著防寒衣、防寒鞋子、手套及帽子等防寒衣物。
服裝小提醒:有可能會有木屑,建議穿著即使稍微用髒也無妨的服裝前來。 - Things to bring
- * Please be prepared in warm clothing. (This is indoor program but will be occasionally ventilated.)
* Clothing: You may get covered in wood dust. Please wear clothes that you do not mind getting a little dirty. - 備考
- ※お子様は、保護者の方の参加、もしくは同伴が必要です。
ご利用日の二日前 → 無料
ご利用日の前日17:00まで → 50%
ご利用日の前日17:00以降 → 100%
- Important Note(s)
- * Participating child must be accompanied by an adult.
< Cancellation Policy >
2 days prior: No charge
Up to 5:00 pm, the day prior: 50%
After that: 100%
(Above policy will be applied to change in number of people.) - 備註
- 未成年人不可單獨成行,同行的客人中至少需一名成人。
※包含參加人數之變更 - 備註
- 未成年人不可單獨成行,同行的客人中至少需一名成人。
※包含參加人數之變更 - Important Note(s)
- * Participating child must be accompanied by an adult.
< Cancellation Policy >
2 days prior: No charge
Up to 5:00 pm, the day prior: 50%
After that: 100%
(Above policy will be applied to change in number of people.)