
Inquiries regarding reservations made through Agoda, Expedia, or are not handled by our hotel. Additionally, we do not sell accommodations on these sites and bear no responsibility for any reservations made through them. Thank you for your understanding.

Before making an inquiry

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions from the inquiries we receive from customers. Please check this before making an inquiry.


Please fill the required fields and press "Inquiry" .
*fields are mandatory.

Please choose the type of your inquiry from below.*
Which hotel are you planning to stay at?*
Your name *
Email address *
Your telephone number *

Please type from your country code.
Our reply would be made by email but we may call you in case of urgent matters.

The contents of your inquiry. *
(For guests)
Reservation Number
Could you kindly tell us what made you find our resort? *
